"HTML 3: Electronic Publishing on the World Wide Web"

While it jumped the gun a bit on the HTML 3.2 standard, this is the first book to authoritatively deal with the new extensions to the language. A reference, more than a tutorial, it nevertheless has solid writing and clear explanations of all the tags and uses.

While the topics of design and discussions of implementations in various browsers are present, they are not covered in real depth. The new functions are the real point of interest in this work. It therefore makes a great resource for experienced HTML coders. Newcomers would be advised to start with Lemay's "Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML" (cf. BKWPHTML.RVW) or "HTML:the Definitive Guide" (cf. BKHTMLDG.RVW).

copyright Robert M. Slade (roberts@decus.ca), 1996.
BKHTML3.RVW 960720

Used by permission, with my thanks.