A Review of HTML 3.2 - Electronic Publishing on the World Wide Web

Here is an Independent Web Review of our book:

Rating: ****
HTML 3.2 re-imposes order during the browser wars... "Dave Raggett is one of the leading architects of HTML and is currently working with the World Wide Web Consortium in a project to extend the HTML language. HMTL 3 covers proposals through to version 3.2. Revising HTML specs is needed in order to re-impose some standards on the language, which is currently being extended pell-mell by Netscape and Microsoft. Although extensions such as frames and font control are much needed, the wild west world of browser wars means that the once universal HTML language is starting to break down across the varied browsers. in order to maintain some semblance of interoperability, the HTML feature set must be extended.
Forms and style sheets are handled well. HTML 3 is a quirky and quixotic book, sometimes attempting to explain the ethos of the Web, sometimes trying to tutor the prospective Web page developer, and sometimes just explaining what HTML 3.2 will do. When it sticks to the latter (the second two thirds of the book) it shines. If you want to know what tags mean and how to use them, HTML 3 serves as a good resource. Each tag is set off in bold, given an explanation, and then used in an example. The examples are amusing because they are not your typical computerese, but uses quotes from a variety of literary sources. It would have been nice though if the authors had been a little more consistent in setting off the examples from the rest of the page for the sake of readability."